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intelligible forms造句

  • The material and immaterial interact through the Active Intellect, which is a " divine light " containing the intelligible forms.
  • :It's not about spelling'correctly'per se but rather being able to communicate in an intelligible form.
  • That period, he said, marked " the last encounter between ourselves and another intelligent, intelligible form of being ."
  • First, the fact that native populations in Mesoamerica were the first to interact with Europeans assured the documentation and survival of literature samples in intelligible forms.
  • To the Cambridge Platonists, religion and reason were in harmony, and reality was known not by physical sensation alone, but by intuition of the intelligible forms that exist behind the material world of everyday perception.
  • Aristotle says that the passive intellect receives the intelligible forms of things, but that the active intellect is required to make the potential knowledge into actual knowledge, in the same way that light makes potential colors into actual colors.
  • His genius lay rather in his extraordinary ability to assemble the research data of his predecessors, to introduce improvements of his own, and to present the results as a logical and complete system, written in a readily intelligible form.
  • This goal soon proved to be an elusive one : even if the results could, on occasion, approximate a universally intelligible form, at the same time the process prevented the transmission of a familiar, intimate, or everyday tone.
  • The Directive covers " conditional access services ", which are defined as television or radio broadcasts or internet services to which " access [ . . . ] in an intelligible form is made conditional upon prior individual authorisation " and payment.
  • The literature and texts created by indigenous Mesoamericans are the earliest-known from the Americas for primarily two reasons : Firstly the fact that the native populations of Mesoamerica were the first to enter into intensive contact with Europeans, assuring that many samples of Mesoamerican literature have been documented in surviving and intelligible forms.
  • It's difficult to see intelligible forms in a sentence. 用intelligible forms造句挺难的
  • In October 2001 the FSA provided Mr Durant with copies of documents relating to him that it held in computerised form, disclosure that went beyond his entitlement under the Act, which is to have communicated to him in an intelligible form " information constituting any personal data " of which he was the subject.
  • The " Provincial Medical and Surgical ", for instance, in its review of the second edition, thought that it was " a good and concise elementary treatise . . . presenting in a readable and intelligible form, a great mass of information not to be found in any other single treatise ".
  • A machine translator is difficult to create, and the value of translation between two mutually-intelligible forms of one language, one of which is no longer spoken, is small enough that it's probably never been done . " Stansifer ) " 22 : 59, 25 December 2011 ( UTC)
  • No narrative suspense is possible where the ground has all been surveyed; no heroic action can be isolated in so concentrated an act of social will . . . . The real hero of the poem is a society's will to take intelligible form; the real quest is for physical and spiritual communication within that society.
  • Intelligible Machine Learning ( IML ) is an implementation of Switching Neural Networks that has been applied to TPF . Starting from a collection of promotional characteristics, IML is able to identify and present in intelligible form existing correlations between relevant attributes and uplift . This approach is designed to automatically select the most suitable uplift model in order to describe the future impact of a planned promotion.
  • "I was fortunate enough not ever to be hostage to the news of the day, " says Moyers . " I would not make a good daily journalist, though I admire the journalist whose job is to take what happens yesterday and translate that into some intelligible form for an audience that's trying to figure out what was behind that explosion . . . or event . . . or accident.
  • :Despite the fact that I likely agree with many of the political views of the above anonymous questioner, I can't help but ask him / her to rephrase the above paragraph in the form of a question, ( apologies to Alex Trebek ! ) Despite its formally innapropriate and only partially intelligible form, there does indeed appear, in my opinion, to be quite a lot of truth hidden deep within it.
  • As discussed above, Aristotle had attempted to make a clear distinction between, on the one hand, imagination and the sense perception which both use the sensible " koina ", and which animals also have; and, on the other hand, " nous " ( intellect ) and reason, which perceives another type of " koina ", the intelligible forms, which ( according to Aristotle ) only humans have.
  • For our hypothetical purposes though, this means that you can have a * ridiculous * number of different shuffles of the same genes in different orders on parallel Earths, * none * of which can interbreed effectively even though they have the same genes and in fact have many genes in the same order on local segments of chromosome . ( I don't think this is really what the OP meant, but trying to nail down what he really is looking to ask as actually calling for some philosophy that isn't really part of modern biology, i . e . substantial forms and intelligible forms, Theory of Forms . . . ideas which I think are very meaningful but which are hard to draw up into a pipette . talk ) 23 : 49, 3 August 2015 ( UTC)
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